Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
There’s one type of investment property most people would NEVER consider that could make you a millionaire. They’re not regular rental properties or huge apartment complexes—in fact, they’re so cheap that most investo...
The biggest real estate tax deduction is coming back. That’s right—100% bonus depreciation is almost cleared for a triumphant return as the House pushed a new tax bill to the Senate, one that includes some massive tax...
There is an easier way to invest in real estate in 2025. It doesn’t require a ton of money or experience; anyone can do it (even a complete beginner), and it’ll lead to you having more money, more passive income, and ...
Your real estate cash flow is suffering. Rent growth is slowing, mortgage rates are rising, and property prices are staying put. So where can you find more room to profit with your rental property? The answer is mediu...
Wondering how to get more bookings on Airbnb as spring break and summer vacation inch closer? With some expert tips, you’ll be able to bring in more revenue and higher reviews during these peak travel times. From list...
A bombshell NAR settlement could bring wide-sweeping changes to the housing market. After a snowball of NAR lawsuits, the realtor association agreed to settle for a whopping $418 million and make critical changes to h...
Have you ever dreamed of owning large apartment complexes? If so, don’t miss this powerful interview with Jonathan Twombly, a real estate investor whose very first deal had over 100 units! You’ll learn why Jonathan sk...
Most people take YEARS to buy their first rental property, but most people aren’t Jenni Vega. Instead of waiting, Jenni bought seven rentals in just three years, with almost unbelievable cash flow on each using what s...
Your tenant is breaking their landlord tenant lease agreement. What now? Do you go after the money or eat the loss? Depending on the amount, it may not even be worth the trouble. Either way, perhaps the more important...