It’s daunting to wake up every day and try your best at whatever it is that you do. Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s real estate, maybe it’s writing a book. When you sit down at your desk, there’s that little voice tha...
Deep in the forest, a secret financial independence summer camp is being held. Multiple times a year, all across the country, millionaires, financial freedom achievers, and those still on or just starting their FIRE j...
Making $71,000 per year from ONE rental property is a huge feat for any real estate investor, but it’s even more impressive when you’ve had to work your way from the very bottom. Although today’s guest had to overcome...
As an entrepreneur, you may be used to putting in hours of work learning new tactics, skills, and strategies. Your business rests on your shoulders, and why wouldn’t it, you’re the one who built it from the ground up....
Bar Rescue host Jon Taffer has spent more than a decade finding the most disgusting, poorly-run, money-hemorrhaging bars in America and turning debt-ridden dumps into successful money-making businesses. How does he do...
Should you keep, refinance, or sell your rental property? If you’re sitting on a low mortgage rate and plenty of equity, you’ve probably asked yourself this once or twice within the past year. Most people who bought a...
The real estate market is crumbling…or is it? According to experienced investors like Jessie Rodriguez, now is one of the best times in recent memory to start building wealth. As a multi-decade house-flipping veteran,...
You want to retire, but you’ve got credit debt, auto loans, and student loans. It feels like every time you get your paycheck, it quickly slips away, and at the end of every month, you’re left in the same position, or...
No real estate investing journey is ever sunshine and rainbows, but some are certainly more difficult than others. Many rookie investors are either so fearful of making a mistake that they experience “analysis paralys...
Fix and flips have looked a lot alike for the past few years. You see the same countertops, wall colors, appliances, and flooring in almost every new flip. While it makes sense for many high-volume flippers to use the...