Screening tenants is a necessary but expensive part of real estate investing. In some cases, property managers charge as much as one month’s rent to place a tenant. What if there was a way to build a pool of high-qual...
Can you afford your “dream house” right now? The one with the pool and the ocean views, space for the kids to run around, and a huge pantry. The secret nobody will tell you: you CAN afford your dream house right now—o...
Buying sixteen rental units in one market?! Today’s guest has discovered the perfect investing strategy for newbies. You don’t need a ton of money or resources, and you can use it over and over to buy your first, seco...
Most people take YEARS to buy their first rental property, but most people aren’t Jenni Vega. Instead of waiting, Jenni bought seven rentals in just three years, with almost unbelievable cash flow on each using what s...
Raking in twelve thousand dollars each month from only four rentals might seem like pie in the sky, but that’s the power of investing (and reinvesting!) in short-term rentals. Find the right market and property, and y...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
Real estate investing may not see an opportunity like this for years. We’re in one of the wildest economic periods: mortgage rates are high, inflation has cooled, stock prices are hitting records, and the housing supp...
You hear us talk a lot about buying real estate, but what real estate deals are WE doing in 2024? Today, we’re pulling back the curtain on our portfolios, walking you through actual deals we’re doing, how much they co...
These three real estate investing tools can make you more money in less time and with less effort than ever. Just ask Mark Simpson from Boostly; he used just one of these tools to bring in over six figures in sales, s...
Don’t have the capital OR credit to invest? Seller financing is a powerful tool that could allow you to score multiple real estate deals without ever going through a bank. The best part? You can create your own terms!...