Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Off-market real estate deals allow you to avoid the multiple listings service (MLS) and find RARE properties often at a sizable discount, but many rookie investors are hesitant to send mail or pick up the phone. If th...
Busy people tend to be...busy, and often, real estate investing is one of the things that they “just don’t have time for”. If you feel that way, listen to today’s guest, Dion Mcneeley as he describes his own system fo...
How much money does it really take to buy a rental property?
$200,000? $100,000? $75,000?
On today's show, we are going to chat with Lisa Phillips, a real estate investor who buys real estate in the under-$30,0...
Has the Airbnb market become TOO saturated? It might not matter if you can rise above the competition and make your property stand out like Katie Cline did. Thanks to luxury amenities, personalized touches, and an unf...
Want more cash flow with less stress while running your rental property portfolio? Then you need self-management! Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf, seasoned investors and the minds behind BiggerPockets’ newest book, T...
You’ve heard cash flow stories before, but NOTHING like this. We’ve talked to hundreds of investors that have flipped houses, bought apartment complexes, storage facilities, and more. But a high school? A high school ...
Real estate investing could help you achieve your financial goals, whether it’s to make enough cash flow to replace your W2 income or build wealth for an early retirement. Like many, today’s guest is chasing financial...
Want a personalized financial independence plan that’ll get you closer to early retirement? Well, we’ve got just what you’re looking for! On this second annual “Financial Independence Day,” Mindy and Scott are sharing...
If you’re looking to have your mind completely blown and walk away feeling like you can and WILL do anything, this show is for you! Today’s guest is inspirational figure, fitness model, and Vine sensation Nick Santona...