Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
There’s a “middle-class trap” that can keep anyone from FIRE—yes, even high-income earners. Today’s guest has a sizable nest egg that should allow her to retire early, but there are a few roadblocks in her way!
At ...
It’s rare to find someone with the experience, knowledge, and downright friendliness of Ken McElroy, which is why we’re having him back on the show! This time, Ken breaks down some of the fundamental truths of real es...
Would you move abroad to reach FI faster? That wasn’t Brooklin Nash’s original goal when he left the US and began freelancing from afar. But now, years later, he realizes how much of a leg up he has financially by goi...
Life happens, and you’ve accumulated some debt. You’re wondering how to buy real estate EVEN with a high DTI (debt-to-income) ratio. Whether it’s good debt, like rental property mortgages, or bad debt, like credit car...
Has BiggerPockets Money become too focused on FIRE (financial independence, retire early)? For the past seven years, we’ve been bringing you shows highlighting the journeys of those who left their jobs to enjoy early ...
Steve Trang is all over social media, he runs a real estate brokerage, a sales training business, and a title company, but he didn’t start out as a real estate professional. Steve was actually an engineer at Intel bef...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we want to dive into some really great buying strategies for picking up properties for the best deals. Our guest today, Travis Daggett, leads us into some really intere...
There is only one man on the podcast today that has a beard, and no, it’s not the guitar-playing, surfing, 7-foot tall one. David Greene is “seeing Greene” in this episode and gives new and experienced investors advic...
If you want to build wealth through real estate, you’ll need a real estate “strategy.” Most people THINK that just buying rental properties or flipping houses is enough, but the experts know that’s far from the truth....