Creative financing solves an important problem for almost every type of real estate investor. Don’t have enough cash? Try creative financing! No credit? Try creative financing! Ran out of conventional loans? You alrea...
Pace Morby’s name has become synonymous with seller financing, subject to deals, and flipping. He is one of the most educated players in the real estate game on all things related to non-traditional financing. He even...
Closing off-market deals is one of the best ways to start stacking your real estate portfolio, especially while the housing market is so hot. But, off-market deals often require cold-calling, which is something that m...
Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Foreclosure can be a sensitive topic. After the embarrassment of falling behind on payments, there’s the fear of losing your home and having no place to live. Rather than preying on someone who feels helpless, there a...
Pace Morby built an 1,800-unit real estate portfolio using none of his own money. Unbelievable right? Well, it’s 100% true, and he’s here today to tell you why most of what you know about real estate investing is enti...