Where will the housing market be by 2025? We’ve got some of the top 2024 housing market predictions to share today as we run through what could happen with home prices, mortgage rates, inflation, unemployment, and how...
While short-term rentals are seeing slowing demand, mid-term rentals are taking off (and fast). Mid-term rentals, also called medium-term rentals or MTRs, are thirty-day or longer stays, usually for traveling professi...
What happens when you’re pinned to the floor in the middle of a fight? Someone has you in a locked position and you can’t move. You’re sweating, you’re angry, and you start feeling the will to fight flow through your ...
Discounted real estate deals could be coming THIS winter as the housing market begins to “thaw.” Today, Dave is flying solo, bringing you a housing market update on all the crucial factors real estate investors are lo...
Long-distance investing may sound like an impossible feat to achieve for many investors. What if something goes wrong in the house? What if something needs fixing? What if there are problems with tenants? As today’s g...
Would you spend thirty hours finding a deal if it could make you over $100,000? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what David Lecko, CEO of DealMachine, suggests you do to find better real estate deals in 2025. A...