Everyone knows that financial education is one of the most crucial things to teach children at a young age. It doesn't just set them up to be wealthy, but it gives them the tools to be confident, choose delayed gratif...
Will the new jobs report finally prompt the Fed to cut rates, leading to you scoring a lower mortgage rate? With multifamily rents still falling, should we fear a nosediving rent trend in the near future? And why are ...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...