Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Real estate investing... old school!
Rick Jarman (@realestateoldschool on Instagram) joins us today to share some of his hard-won wisdom from 44+ years as a flipper and landlord in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And it's qui...
How does a teacher with a LOW salary achieve financial freedom, let alone invest in real estate? Surprisingly, it’s not as hard as you think, and if you repeat the strategy from today’s show, you could reach financial...
Off-market real estate deals can make you a millionaire in just a few YEARS. Instead of buying the nicest-looking rental property in the best area through a brutal bidding war, David Lecko went the opposite route, pur...
What do you want out of life? What do you want to accomplish in the next 3-5 years? When asked this question, most entrepreneurs give a pretty simplistic answer. Something like “Oh, we’ll get more clients by this time...
Finishing a triathlon is a grueling achievement, only accomplished by those who are in peak physical and mental condition. Once finished, the top of the top go on to train for an Ironman, arguably the toughest triathl...
You asked, and we answered. Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to buy a house in 2024. Whether you’re looking for a first primary residence, rental property, house hack, or short-term rental, these are the EXACT ste...
Dave said he’d never flip a house. He doesn’t have the handyman skills; he doesn’t like managing contractors, and he can’t design a floor plan. So why now, coming into 2025, has he decided to flip his first house? It’...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
If you’ve been thinking about buying a house in 2024, you already may be too late. With mortgage rates dropping, listings increasing, and spring buying season only a short couple of months away, NOW is the time to act...