How many times has something happened in life where we blamed someone besides ourselves for the outcome? Didn’t get a promotion: it’s your bosses fault for being greedy! Ran late to work: it’s all the other drivers fa...
If you’re looking to build wealth through real estate or start your own business, there’s one crucial skill you may be overlooking—learning! The faster you can learn, the faster you can earn. So, how do you optimize y...
How can you use your retirement accounts to reach FIRE faster? We’ve talked a lot about the “middle-class trap”—having too much of your net worth trapped in your retirement accounts and home equity—and we may have the...
During childhood, Jim Kwik experienced a traumatic brain injury. As a result, he lacked focus in school, wasn’t able to read properly, and at one point, a teacher told him that he had a “broken brain”. So how did a ki...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
Would you move abroad to reach FI faster? That wasn’t Brooklin Nash’s original goal when he left the US and began freelancing from afar. But now, years later, he realizes how much of a leg up he has financially by goi...
Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
You wouldn’t know how far Max Maxwell has come at first glance. Looking at his Instagram, you’ll see private planes, a wealth of knowledge on real estate, and seriously shiny Rolexes. Not many people know that only a ...
So many BiggerPockets listeners are out there killing it in the world of real estate investing. But, with growth and positive change comes more and more questions. On today’s coaching call, David Greene talks to Carly...
Rodney Ross didn’t have the most gracious entrance to the real estate space. He bought a house while in college, with only $8,000 down and not a lot in the bank. The house ended up getting de-authorized for tenants to...