Can’t invest in your own backyard? Out-of-state investing is the way to go! With it, you can invest nationwide, finding more cash flow or appreciation potential than you would in your local area. But managing a rental...
You want to grow your real estate side hustle, but your W2 is taking up too much of your time. How do you invest in real estate when you’re stuck at the office or behind a desk from nine to five? We’re about to give y...
First rental property? Security deposits, credit checks, and home renovations can seem DAUNTING when it’s your first real estate rodeo. How much do you charge, which tenant do you select, and will refreshing the grout...
What should you do if you suspect financial infidelity from a partner? Money is a taboo subject in many marriages, and it doesn’t help that some spouses take a hands-off approach to personal finance. As you might imag...
A bad contractor could not only ruin your home renovation but cost you tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Don’t believe us? Just ask Rico to the Rescue’s Rico León. Rico has spent years cleaning up contract...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are joined by Arizona real estate investor Tracy Royce to discuss all things related to short sales, getting started, and the best ways to run your real estate inves...
Real estate bookkeeping is one of the tedious but necessary tasks that comes with owning a rental property. Unsurprisingly, it’s one of the things that can make or break your real estate business. Can you do your own ...
Do you dream of stepping back from the day to day and working on your business rather than in it? Of course you do!
AJ Osborne has achieved that goal—and having experienced a harrowing health emergency that incapac...
The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
With a few money tips for 2024, you could take your savings to a new level this year. From investment fees to utilities, there are all kinds of everyday expenses that you might not have thought to slash!
Welcome ba...