Want more cash flow with less stress while running your rental property portfolio? Then you need self-management! Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf, seasoned investors and the minds behind BiggerPockets’ newest book, T...
Want to turn your rental property into a cash-flowing machine? What about boosting your property’s equity by tens or hundreds of thousands? The “value-add” strategy can do all this and more, but you’ll need to know th...
If you want higher rents, more cash flow, and fewer hiccups, you DON’T need to buy more rental properties. You need better systems and processes. By implementing tactics, strategies, and procedures he learned from the...
Do you want extra cash flow? Higher appreciation? More bookings? A few high-ROI renovations or new amenities could pay off in a HUGE way. But which projects will give you the best bang for your buck? Stay tuned becaus...
What rules govern your real estate investing strategy? For most - it’s a tough question to answer, but not for today’s guest Paul Morris. Paul, co-author of the bestselling Wealth Can’t Wait, has been investing in rea...
There are a lot of reasons to love being a real estate investor. One of the most impressive is the “unfair” tax treatment investors get by the US Government - and we mean that in a good way! On today’s episode of The ...
Not everyone will love commercial investing, mixed-use buildings, flipping houses, BRRRRing, or even traditional buy-and-hold rentals. But you’ll probably find one type of real estate class that you absolutely love. I...
Feeling like you're in uncharted territory as a landlord? You're in good company!
Today's show walks you through how to ethically and profitably manage rentals through the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.
Brandon a...
It’s rare to find someone with the experience, knowledge, and downright friendliness of Ken McElroy, which is why we’re having him back on the show! This time, Ken breaks down some of the fundamental truths of real es...
The climate crisis is already here, and the cost of real estate is being directly affected. Insurance premiums are skyrocketing, costs to build are rising, and your reserves need to be bigger than ever. Tornados, hurr...