Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Are you building wealth but feel like you can never enjoy it? Do you struggle with money, fearing you carry the same poor financial habits as your parents? Whether you’ve got a lot of money or a little, many of us fac...
Buying eight rental units in under one year—how is that even possible? By the time you’re done with this episode, you’ll know how to fund any rental property purchase, no matter how much money or experience you have. ...
Want to know how to make $100 a day the easy way? We’ve got the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, on the show to share the most legit, low-effort, flexible side hustles you can try today to start making money to...
If you’re after the best money tips for 2024, we’ve got you covered! Every dollar counts when it comes to improving your finances, and our hosts are offering some invaluable end-of-year advice to help you do just that...
How do you build massive wealth while keeping your passions, family, faith, and bank account intact? Successful real estate investors will tell you the same thing: you need to automate and systematize to make time for...
Without asset protection, your wealth is as good as gone. One slip and fall from a tenant, one angry ex-spouse, one jealous onlooker, and you could have your real estate relinquished and your bank accounts drained. An...
There is an easier way to invest in real estate in 2025. It doesn’t require a ton of money or experience; anyone can do it (even a complete beginner), and it’ll lead to you having more money, more passive income, and ...
Want to buy your first investment property? You DON’T need twenty percent down sitting in your bank account. We know; everyone has told you that you need a massive down payment before you buy a property. But did you k...
Tyler and Jenna need to know how to retire in ten years or less so they can spend less time working and more time with their family. The problem? They’re spending more than $10,000 monthly in expenses, and even with a...