A bad contractor could not only ruin your home renovation but cost you tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Don’t believe us? Just ask Rico to the Rescue’s Rico León. Rico has spent years cleaning up contract...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
Real estate investing is no longer just for older generations! Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Houssein Al-Eidan, an accountant from the St Louis area who has purchased 25 rental units -- and he’s...
Many people dream of achieving financial freedom, but how many actually get there? Today on The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll meet one man who did just that. Austin Fruechting began buying rental properties less than ...
Why work at a lame job until you’re too old to enjoy the life you’ve been given? If you are looking to get out of the rat race earlier, this is one episode you can’t afford to miss. Today on The BiggerPockets Podcast,...
You don’t need a huge inheritance or nest egg to start investing in real estate. Just ask Cody Caswell, who landed his first deal at sixteen years old with only $5,000. This property gave him instant cash flow, but mo...
If there’s an issue that keeps aspiring early retirees up at night, it’s the dreaded middle-class trap. At just 28 years old, this financially savvy couple is already looking for ways to avoid this issue. Whether you’...
Property management is a key component of real estate investing that can make or break your cash flow. Of course, every rookie investor could benefit from having a great property manager on board, but in a competitive...
It has finally been decided. In the eyes of bidders at BPCon’s 2021 Coaching Call Auction, David Greene is worth more than Brandon Turner. Yes, that’s right, our beloved host who can turn any jiu-jitsu metaphor into a...
Military real estate investing is perhaps the easiest way for veterans to reach financial freedom. Today’s guest is a prime example, going from broke recruiter to “military millionaire” in just FIVE years. And get thi...