Want to turn your rental property into a cash-flowing machine? What about boosting your property’s equity by tens or hundreds of thousands? The “value-add” strategy can do all this and more, but you’ll need to know th...
Want to know how to make $100 a day in 2025, all while working from home? We brought the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, back on the show to share how her money-making journey has been going. Jackie set a goal...
Everyone wants to be right all the time. We have so many preconceived notions running through our heads at all times, and we always think that we’re the ones standing on the right side of history. What if that train o...
What’s the best way to build wealth in 2024? For many, it’s “value-add” real estate investing. You might know what this is, but you may have never heard the term before. Value-add investing is when you buy investment ...
Build a deal machine to fuel your business and keep the leads coming!
On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with Adam Johnson and Brent Moreno, two wholesalers running a business that fuels their investment...
How does someone shift from buying single family houses to buying hundred+ unit apartment complexes? That’s the topic we’re diving into today on the BiggerPockets Podcast with real estate investor and former CPA Brian...
Which rental renovations give you the biggest bang for your buck, turning a few thousand dollars of materials and labor into hundreds of more dollars of rent per month and tens of thousands more in home value? Today, ...
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and dig into the life of a professional BMX bike rider Terry Adams. Outside of his many accomplishments in the stunt bike world (X-Games gold medal, appeara...
Every investor wants a rental property that brings in six figures, but not every investor is willing to scour old listings, bring in a partner, or exhaust all of their creative financing options. If you want the perfe...
Many of us have a story behind doing what we do. You may have been raised by parents living paycheck to paycheck, spurring you to chase financial freedom and create a better life. Or maybe you labored tirelessly at wo...