How much should your down payment for investment property be? Should you increase your down payment to maximize cash flow, or does putting all your financial eggs in one basket limit your ability to build and scale yo...
Want to know how to start an Airbnb business? If you find the right deal and build an all-star team, you could squeeze a TON of cash flow from just one rental. And we’ve got the perfect guest to show you the ropes!
Screening tenants is a necessary but expensive part of real estate investing. In some cases, property managers charge as much as one month’s rent to place a tenant. What if there was a way to build a pool of high-qual...
When interest rates rose, many investors stopped buying. But not Ryan Irwin. This rookie doubled down on real estate, choosing whichever investing strategy made the numbers work. Even in a tough housing market, Ryan’s...
The 2023 housing market may be the “toughest real estate market” we’ve ever experienced. But, after this episode, we bet your home offer will get accepted, even during a wild seller’s market, even if you’re not offeri...
Student housing investments can make you killer cash flow. If you invest in college towns, students will pay a premium to be close to campus and won’t mind living in a property with three, four, or five other roommate...