No one likes paying taxes, so let’s talk about how you can pay FAR less to the IRS! On today’s show, we sit down with real estate investor and CPA Amanda Han, the author of the brand new book The Book on Tax Strategie...
Want to pay less money to the IRS in 2024? We’ve got the real estate tax strategies to help you do just that. And get this—you don’t need a large real estate portfolio to benefit from these money-saving tax tips!
With 2024 right around the corner, it’s time for a final year-end tax planning push! There are all kinds of ways to pay less to the IRS, and today’s guest is here to help you save as much money as possible!
Many people invest in real estate hoping to make “passive income” but instead find they work more than they would at a day job! But not all real estate niches require a lot of time—and today’s show proves that! Today ...
Real estate bookkeeping is one of the tedious but necessary tasks that comes with owning a rental property. Unsurprisingly, it’s one of the things that can make or break your real estate business. Can you do your own ...
With solid tax planning, receiving an inheritance could provide an enormous boost on your journey to financial freedom. One misstep, on the other hand, and you could be lining Uncle Sam’s pockets. Fortunately, we’ve b...
Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, hou...
Real estate investing offers a roadmap to financial freedom, but it’s far from easy. If you’re feeling the stress of ownership, whether it’s due to a difficult tenant or unforeseen expenses, you may be ready to throw ...
Having limited lung capacity while playing college basketball seems almost impossible. But, like almost everything else in Nolan Gottlieb’s life, he pushed through it to accomplish his dreams. Hard work and determinat...
Ashley "BadAsh" Wilson is back today to discuss how she's shifted strategies since her popular first appearance on the show two years ago.
Today's topics: Jumping from house flipping and short-term rentals into lar...