The opportunity coming for real estate investing in 2025 is almost unimaginable. A decade from now, if you buy right, you’ll be looking back thanking yourself for planting the seed of financial freedom, generational w...
From the millions of people who come to BiggerPockets each month, there are two issues that we hear about over and over and over: People can’t find deals, and they can’t find money. So today on the BiggerPockets Podca...
How does one scale a real estate investing business to hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit in under two years? That’s the topic on today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, where you’ll hear just how Lance ...
Don’t have enough funds for real estate deals? Today, there’s no excuse. Beyond strategies that allow you to invest in real estate with no money down, you can always start a profitable side hustle and put the earnings...
Want to build your rental portfolio faster? Then the BRRRR method is about to become your best friend. BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat) allows you to take one investment property and turn it into MANY, all ...
The BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast is about to hit a huge milestone—our 1,000th episode! Real estate has changed quite a bit since we started this podcast, so we’re making some changes, too.
We’re bringing on ne...
Everyone wants to invest in multifamily properties. (Well, almost everyone.) But with the market heating up around the country, great deals are becoming incredibly difficult to find. That’s why we had to bring back on...
Let’s be honest: not everyone is trying to buy hundreds or thousands of properties. In fact – just a small handful of incredible deals can help build impressive wealth AND great income. That’s the story you’ll hear to...
The harder the problem, the bigger the reward... and real estate developers who can solve affordable housing problems can do very, very well.
Enter today's guest, Evan Holladay, who reached 1,300 units before the a...
Last week, Brandon and David sat down to talk about the “Core 4” of any successful real estate team. Now they’re here to talk about the “Divided 5-ed”, a term they coined to describe the five team members you’ll need ...