The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
Want to build a real estate business? When done right, a real estate business could make you hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year, even with a small team. You’ll be able to do dozens more deals, s...
Buy real estate or face your dollar’s demise. While this may sound like doomsday prophesying or over-bullish investor attitudes towards properties, the fact is that most investors today won’t make it. With inflation r...
Some would call Terrance Doyle a “baller”. Not because he’s done hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate transactions, or because he has done over 600 flips, or because he helps lead the Tribe of Multifamily Me...
Can you still achieve financial freedom with real estate investing? Around a decade ago, it was common knowledge that with a few rental properties, you could easily replace your income, retire early, and be fast-track...
Don’t know where to find undervalued rental properties? Thankfully, we’ve got some experts who do. Finding a below-market-value property is much easier than most people think. So, why is it SO difficult for new real e...
Tom Brady is the GOAT (greatest of all time). But that makes his performance coach, Greg Harden, the GCOAT (greatest coach of all time). Greg has been coaching elite athletes like Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, and Desmon...
Self-storage investing saved AJ Osborne’s life. After sudden paralysis and being left in a coma, AJ was fired from his job. He couldn’t work, walk, breathe, or do anything without assistance. Strapped to a hospital be...
Don’t buy in good school districts. Always end your leases in winter. NEVER raise rents on a tenant.
These are just some of the “Dionisms” that have made Dion McNeeley, the so-called “lazy investor,” rich with rent...
Want a better rental property loan? You’ve probably tried talking to banks, brokers, and residential lenders about growing your real estate portfolio, only for them to hit back with W2, income, and credit score requir...