Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
Your real estate cash flow is suffering. Rent growth is slowing, mortgage rates are rising, and property prices are staying put. So where can you find more room to profit with your rental property? The answer is mediu...
Deep in the forest, a secret financial independence summer camp is being held. Multiple times a year, all across the country, millionaires, financial freedom achievers, and those still on or just starting their FIRE j...
This might be the fastest path to FIRE we’ve ever seen. In just two years, Emily and James were able to retire early and travel the world full-time. They didn’t have a trust fund, some huge inheritance, or a winning l...
Over 400 episodes, we've absorbed a lot of hard-won real estate investing wisdom from our guests. Pretty tough to boil down to 10 concepts... but that's exactly what Brandon and David set out to do on today's show!
Incredible show alert! You don’t want to miss this one: Brandon and David sit down with bestselling author Cal Newport (who wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love,...
In today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are going to talk about something you may think is a bit boring... taxes..
BUT WAIT! Perseverance
Before you move on to go watch the latest episode of Dancing...
Would your real estate investing business benefit from better negotiating tactics? Of course it would! On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with J and Carol Scott, as well as Mark Ferguson, co-authors of the ne...
Want to know how to find off-market properties WITHOUT cold calling and talking to sellers all day? Where is the best place to find furniture for your short-term rental or Airbnb? Is real estate wholesaling nearing it...