Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
The 2024 housing market isn’t turning out how most of us thought. At the beginning of the year, real estate investors were hopeful that mortgage rates would fall, affordability would return, and home prices would have...
Your rental properties are sitting vacant—what do you do? Do you sell or lower your rent price to spark some interest? Will reducing your rent open you up to bad tenants? We’re getting into exactly what you should do ...
Do you like watching home improvement shows such as Income Property, Vacation House Rules, and Buyers Bootcamp? If so, you’re in luck! Joining us on the podcast is HGTV host Scott McGillivray! Scott has been hosting s...
Would you buy a rental property that loses money every month? What if, in a few years, that one property could make you hundreds of thousands of dollars? Would the negative cash flow be worth the massive appreciation ...
Anson Young’s voice may sound familiar to you, that’s because he’s been on the podcast four times! Every time he’s back we learn something new, and today, Anson is talking about how to find and fund great deals, regar...
Ho ho ho! We hope you had a holly, jolly, frugal, and festive holiday season. With the BiggerPockets elves off tinkering to make even greater shows for next year, we bring you one of our FAVORITE episodes for an encor...