Bar Rescue host Jon Taffer has spent more than a decade finding the most disgusting, poorly-run, money-hemorrhaging bars in America and turning debt-ridden dumps into successful money-making businesses. How does he do...
Welcome to the 2025 housing market! It’s a new year, and if you’re ready to invest more, get closer to financial independence, or finally find and buy your first home, we’re here to help.
We’ve got BIG plans for 20...
First-time home buyer? If so, you probably don’t know what to look for when shopping for a primary residence. So many questions rush through your mind. How much do you need for a down payment? Where do you find the ri...
How many rental properties would it take for you to become financially free? Five, ten, twenty, one hundred? And once you know how many you need, how long will it take you to get there? KC Massie reached financial ind...
With the right rental properties, you could not only bring in thousands of dollars in cash flow each month but also build long-term wealth. Just ask today’s guest! Despite her fulfilling career, she came to the realiz...
Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
Is something stopping your FIRE? Today’s guest wants to retire early at 35, but with a shaky budget, extra expenses, and a problematic rental property, her path to early retirement isn’t clear. In today’s episode, we’...
Do you want to get into real estate but fear you’re too late to the party? This middle-aged, middle-class couple thought so, too. Instead, they discovered a strategy that helped them fast-track their financial goals, ...
Billy Dha Kidd is better known for his rapping than his real estate skills, but both careers are worth celebrating. Billy’s early life was anything but comfortable — growing up in El Salvador, he was used to no runnin...
It’s understandable why so many real estate investors don’t want to partner up. I mean, who wants to split half of a rent check with someone else? This can seem especially true when you’re just starting and every cent...