Steve Trang is all over social media, he runs a real estate brokerage, a sales training business, and a title company, but he didn’t start out as a real estate professional. Steve was actually an engineer at Intel bef...
Interested in learning techniques that will virtually guarantee you success, regardless of your field of interest? Of course you are!
On that front, today’s show will not disappoint! Brandon and David interview bes...
Most people pursuing financial independence own businesses or have stable jobs, working as hard as they can to make any extra dollar, throwing their money into the stock market or real estate, and betting on the econo...
Rodney Ross didn’t have the most gracious entrance to the real estate space. He bought a house while in college, with only $8,000 down and not a lot in the bank. The house ended up getting de-authorized for tenants to...
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and if you’re listening to this episode, you probably want to be one as well! With so many online gurus trying to sell their secret to success, it can be hard to distinguish the rea...
Everyone wants to be right all the time. We have so many preconceived notions running through our heads at all times, and we always think that we’re the ones standing on the right side of history. What if that train o...
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Patrick Bet-David came to the United States during the Iranian Revolution of ...
Calling all couples! You and your partner may be on the same page financially or off in two different directions; regardless of where you’re at, it’s a great time to start having money dates!
In this episode, Mindy...
What happens when you’re pinned to the floor in the middle of a fight? Someone has you in a locked position and you can’t move. You’re sweating, you’re angry, and you start feeling the will to fight flow through your ...
Discounted real estate deals could be coming THIS winter as the housing market begins to “thaw.” Today, Dave is flying solo, bringing you a housing market update on all the crucial factors real estate investors are lo...