How much should your down payment for investment property be? Should you increase your down payment to maximize cash flow, or does putting all your financial eggs in one basket limit your ability to build and scale yo...
Are you leaving cash flow on the table? Even if you own a single rental property, there are all kinds of strategies you can use to generate more rental income, whether it’s house hacking, renting by the room, or conve...
Do you need more money to buy your first rental property? Fortunately, there are all kinds of real estate side hustles you can use to supercharge your savings, all while learning the ropes of real estate investing. An...
Creative financing can be a powerful tool to help you get YOUR first property in the bag. In this episode, Ashley and Tony explain the biggest differences between hard money, private money, and traditional lending, as...
First rental property? Security deposits, credit checks, and home renovations can seem DAUNTING when it’s your first real estate rodeo. How much do you charge, which tenant do you select, and will refreshing the grout...
Should you invest for cash flow or appreciation? Whether you need another income stream today or have one eye set on retirement, you have your own reason for investing in real estate. It’s important to choose an inves...
You have home renovations in the pipeline…but who’s going to manage them? Do you need the expertise of a general contractor, or can you manage tradespeople yourself? With so much at stake, including your budget and ti...
Home renovation projects aren’t cheap, and it’s easy to let your budget spiral out of control if you’re not careful. Fortunately, we have several tips, tricks, and hacks that will help you save a fortune on your rehab...
How important is cash flow when analyzing real estate deals? Many rookies zero in on this familiar figure when crunching the numbers, but there’s another metric that is FAR more important: cash-on-cash return. This si...
Don’t have the capital OR credit to invest? Seller financing is a powerful tool that could allow you to score multiple real estate deals without ever going through a bank. The best part? You can create your own terms!...