The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
A house hack that covers all living expenses and allows you to travel the world!? Many people dream of making passive income from real estate, but only some take action. After getting her real estate license and immer...
Ready to escape the rat race and leave your nine-to-five behind? You’re tired of the early mornings, late nights, alarm clocks, and commuting. You want to go out on your own, create your own destiny, gain autonomy, an...
Want a quicker way to buy rental properties? One that takes less cash, less time, and is beginner-friendly? Then you’re in the right place! In this Seeing Greene, we’re talking about the “sneaky rental tactic” that ca...
Happy holidays, BiggerPockets listeners. You've all been good this year, so instead of a lump of coal, you're getting a special episode delivered on the most merry day of the year. We'll be sharing Yamundow Camara's u...
You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...
We’re back with another episode of “Seeing Greene” with David Greene! Listeners and investors have submitted their questions via video and through the BiggerPockets Facebook Groups and BiggerPockets forums over the pa...
Wealth is not an accident, it’s a choice. And on today’s powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll learn exactly how to make that choice each and every day. We’re excited to bring back two return guests, H...
Mortgage rates were supposed to be going down by now, but what happened? Even in late 2023, many housing market experts predicted that we’d be seeing high to mid six percent mortgage rates at this point and hovering a...
2013 was a pivotal year for our hosts. Scott was fresh out of college and just beginning his journey to financial independence, while Mindy and her husband were well on their way to FIRE and had just launched their bl...