A rental property portfolio can replace your job, give you ultimate financial freedom, and allow you to do what you want when you want. But building this massive passive income stream takes time, and if you stick with...
About to take out a HELOC to buy an investment property? This could be a move you regret for years, ESPECIALLY if you’re doing this in 2023. As home prices have risen and real estate investors search for more money to...
Want to speed up your retirement savings so you can retire even faster? With the right out-of-state rental properties, you can have consistent cash flow coming in every month, along with tens of thousands, if not hund...
Want to know how to set your kids up for LIFE? The answer is pretty simple: rental properties. Whether you plan on keeping them or giving them to your children later in life, rental properties are one of the best ways...
Want to build a real estate business? When done right, a real estate business could make you hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year, even with a small team. You’ll be able to do dozens more deals, s...
Ready to escape the rat race and leave your nine-to-five behind? You’re tired of the early mornings, late nights, alarm clocks, and commuting. You want to go out on your own, create your own destiny, gain autonomy, an...
There’s a silent threat out there that most real estate investors have no idea about. It’s a threat that could take away all your cash flow, ruin your real estate portfolio, and put you right back to square one after ...
Finding deals can be tough in today’s real estate market, but one technique that works in every market is word of mouth marketing! In today’s show, Enrique Jevons shares his story of quitting a 21-year career to becom...
With a recession already underway, we're turning to an investor with 30 years of experience, 3,000-plus multifamily units acquired, and one of the sharpest minds in real estate.
Brian Burke is back today, and he si...
On last week’s episode, we talked to Dan Sullivan, author of Who Not How. This week, we’re joined by his co-author, Benjamin Hardy. Benjamin has spent the last few years getting his PhD in organizational psychology, w...