Most people know that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to reach financial independence, but very few ever take action. Once today’s guest discovered the potential of real estate, however, it became his...
Will mortgage rates remain above seven percent in 2025? Are we closer to a recession than most Americans realize? Why does it feel like this economic cycle of high rates and a struggling middle class will never end? T...
The easiest way to supercharge your real estate portfolio? Host your own real estate meetups to build your network! If that sounds intimidating, you’re not alone! Many rookies let their lack of experience or fear of n...
One investment property could change your life, especially if you buy the right one. Logan Koch, an investor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was buying investment properties for one specific goal: To retire his parents. ...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Is now finally the time to get back into Airbnb investing? We all knew about the Airbnb bubble that formed shortly after lockdowns. With low interest rates and local vacationing exploding, everyone wanted to cash in o...
Financial freedom isn’t important until your life flashes before your eyes. When everything could end, thoughts of your partner, children, and family come to mind, and most notably, what you left behind for them. Pash...
Rent prices have steadily risen for as long as we can remember. But, few of us would have ever expected the unimaginable rent hikes of 2020-2022. With major metros seeing double-digit year-over-year rent percentage bu...
Want to cut your electric bill in HALF? A few secret yet simple hacks can save you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, on your utility bills. And with energy prices almost double where they were just a few years back, everyon...
We’re joined today by author, consultant, and entrepreneur Brian Moran, author of The 12 Week Year. Brian holds a view that many BiggerPockets listeners subscribe to: you are more capable than you think. Through short...