The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
Everybody is busy. We have jobs, kids, businesses, and responsibilities to take care of. Why go out of your way and risk your money and time to invest in real estate? Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and who...
Want to learn the secret to snagging rentals below market value? Every successful investor has this one crucial skill, and it’s often the difference between getting the door shut in your face and coming away with a di...
Wondering how to invest in real estate so you can finally quit your job? Then, this episode might surprise you. While most real estate educators online are constantly stressing how you must leave your W2 so you can be...
Does it ever seem like working overtime is a competition? We often see people bragging about how they work 60 hour weeks, work on weekends, or spend the most time at the office or in front of their computer. Does this...
Pace Morby built an 1,800-unit real estate portfolio using none of his own money. Unbelievable right? Well, it’s 100% true, and he’s here today to tell you why most of what you know about real estate investing is enti...
Off-market real estate deals can make you a millionaire in just a few YEARS. Instead of buying the nicest-looking rental property in the best area through a brutal bidding war, David Lecko went the opposite route, pur...
If you want to pay fewer taxes or outright avoid taxes in 2024, you’re in the right place. We’re about to give you all the last-chance tax tips and loopholes you can use NOW to pay WAY less in taxes in 2024. All of th...
Want to start investing in real estate but don’t know where (or how) to begin? Even as a brand-new beginner, you can buy your first investment property in 2025, regardless of how high home prices and interest rates ge...
Financial trauma is an extremely common roadblock on the journey to financial freedom. In fact, most people deal with this issue on some level, even if they aren’t aware of it. Whether your trauma patterns stem from y...