Why does this veteran real estate investor say that early retirement and financial freedom are a bad idea? Why does he think renting, NOT buying a house, makes more sense for most Americans in 2025? And what’s the one...
Would you sell your car, live without plumbing and electricity, and shower at the gym daily to build a rental portfolio? Now, would you do it while having one of the most prestigious jobs on the planet? If you said ye...
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. In this groundbreaking book, author James Clear asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?” While it’s not as easy as simply s...
Where will the housing market be by 2025? We’ve got some of the top 2024 housing market predictions to share today as we run through what could happen with home prices, mortgage rates, inflation, unemployment, and how...
How does a teacher with a LOW salary achieve financial freedom, let alone invest in real estate? Surprisingly, it’s not as hard as you think, and if you repeat the strategy from today’s show, you could reach financial...
A rental property portfolio can replace your job, give you ultimate financial freedom, and allow you to do what you want when you want. But building this massive passive income stream takes time, and if you stick with...
Today's guest does 125 deals a year in Dallas—from his home base in the Caribbean.
How? Well, he bailed on direct mail marketing and doubled down on radio ads.
And when others froze up as the coronavirus spread,...
Alan Corey has had an interesting career to say the least. He’s been an IT worker, a comedian, an author, a real estate investor, and even a reality TV star. Alan has always been fascinated with making passive income ...
Everyone wants to know how to get rich. And here’s the truth: getting rich might be much easier than you think. While most people would assume the wealthy grind their way to success, this isn’t always the case. In fac...
Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having...