Want a better rental property loan? You’ve probably tried talking to banks, brokers, and residential lenders about growing your real estate portfolio, only for them to hit back with W2, income, and credit score requir...
Nasar El-Arabi is a self-proclaimed “failure” when it comes to being employed. He wasn’t cut out for the banking industry, the call center, or the classroom. Some people aren’t meant to be employed, and Nasar was one ...
A few years ago, everyone was wondering how to start investing in real estate, but now the question has switched to “Is it too late?” If you’re stuck on the sidelines but want to get into the real estate investing gam...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
There’s one type of investment property most people would NEVER consider that could make you a millionaire. They’re not regular rental properties or huge apartment complexes—in fact, they’re so cheap that most investo...
Could one side hustle help you pay rent, save money to invest in real estate, or reach financial independence? Today’s guest picked up the perfect hobby that combines his background in art and love for home décor. The...
Many people struggle with money anxiety, even those in the FIRE community. Your money fears could keep you on the sidelines, or it could have the opposite effect, making you ultra-conservative with your retirement sav...
The affordable housing crisis is an ongoing challenge here in the United States, but this developer has cracked the code in her own backyard—providing more opportunities for low and median-income households without ge...
Recession fears are increasing. The stock market has taken substantial hits, housing inventory is climbing, and bank account balances are starting to fall. So, with more economic turmoil, we have to ask: will the hous...
Many, many people give up on real estate after just one bad deal, one bad tenant, or one bad flip. But what if you lost all you had from real estate deals, would you still be willing to bet on real estate? What if you...