Many people invest for appreciation. Others invest for tax benefits. But some investors want enough monthly cash flow to replace their W2 income and help them quit their nine-to-five jobs. When can you go full-time wi...
Want to learn how to quit your job with real estate? Many people think you need to replace your entire salary with rentals, but that’s not the case. What if you could earn enough passive income from real estate and su...
You probably know Brandon Turner and David Greene as multimillionaire real estate investors. What you may not know, is that a decade ago this was a very different story. Brandon didn’t grow up in a wealthy family, and...
This rookie has grown his real estate portfolio to seven properties, $5,000 in monthly cash flow, and over $1 million in total equity in just SIX years. His strategy isn’t flashy or sexy, but it’s highly repeatable. E...
We all reach a point of complacency. We tell ourselves that we’ve done enough, it’s too hard to go further, or we don’t have enough experience, money, or time to accomplish the goals that seem impossible. Brandon Turn...
The average journey of a real estate investor tends to go something like this: buy a house, use profits to reinvest into another house, buy a duplex here and there, and buy another house again. Does this sound like yo...
Are you interested in retiring early with real estate but don’t want to manage hundreds of properties to do so? Today’s guest has managed to travel to 54 countries in the last three years after retiring in his 30s by ...
Many people buy rental properties for the cash flow, but today’s guest took it to another level—dropping out of college to go all-in on real estate investing. Find out how he brings in several thousand dollars of prof...
These two college teammates built a sizable real estate portfolio in just three years by using what they call the “delayed BRRRR strategy.” They’ve used this specific real estate investing tactic (and the regular BRRR...
These two college teammates built a sizable real estate portfolio in just three years by using what they call the “delayed BRRRR strategy.” They’ve used this specific real estate investing tactic (and the regular BRRR...