Managing tenants can be a real pain.
Trust me.
However, on this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with a full time property manager to talk about the business of managing tenants - and discover wa...
What does it take to buy 17 deals a week? What if we told you it was the exact same process needed to buy just one deal per year? That’s the topic on today’s show, where we sit down with Chris Clothier to talk about h...
In today’s epic show, we interview World Series of Poker bracelet champion Annie Duke. Annie is a nationally sought-after speaker who combines her mastery of poker with a study of the cognitive sciences in a truly uni...
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. In this groundbreaking book, author James Clear asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?” While it’s not as easy as simply s...
"Subject to" real estate has been exploding in popularity. When mortgage rates began to rise, subject to (often called sub to) came in as the hero to save the day. This real estate investing strategy offered investors...
When getting started, should you go BIG or go small? On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, learn how Himanshu Jain got started investing in real estate by buying BOTH a condo and a 20-unit apartment complex. D...
Real estate investing and contracting go hand in hand, but not many investors are bold enough to tackle their own home renovations. Today’s guest is, however, and he’s about to show you the business model he uses to c...
Do you dream of stepping back from the day to day and working on your business rather than in it? Of course you do!
AJ Osborne has achieved that goal—and having experienced a harrowing health emergency that incapac...
Real estate investing is about more than just making money in the here and now – it’s also about setting up your future for a solid retirement with minimal hassel and maximum wealth. However, planning for that time in...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk with real estate investor Darren Sager about his fascinating business model involving buy and hold real estate, live-in flips, and managing properties with mini...