I'm a numbers guy. In my research, I am at a point where I am ready to see "how" the numbers work. I'm interested in SFH rentals and would like to see if I understand methodology of working the numbers... (I'm going t...

Hey Everyone,First post on the Forums, been a Pro Member for about a month.To begin I'd like to thank you guys for all the info you share daily it's very helpful for a Newbie like me.Issue:I was evaluating a property ...

Apologizes if this has been answered but I couldn't find anything posted. My question is, how do you properly calculate ROI? For Total ROI, is it just the total return in dollars divided by the down payment amount (eq...

I'm analyzing a house with a triplex on the same property. I want to use my VA loan to purchase which means I will need to reside in the house and I can rent out the three units in the back. In the rental calculator w...

I have been following Brandon Turner’s advice to analyze at least one property a day but also trying to be realistic and stay in the higher end of all of my estimates. A few questions I keep coming across:
1. I live...

Hi guys.
I've always been taught that the only stupid question is the one not asked. So here goes.....
I want to start doing at least three analysis of deals a day as suggested to become proficient. However, when...

I need to run the numbers on some of the properties I am considering purchasing. But the old adage, "garbage in produces garbage out", rings true here. How do make safe and conservative assumptions when it comes to my...

Need some guidance folks. I have comps from a real estate agent on a triplex. I know how to do the calculation but the comps are based on single family residences and the property I'm researching is a triplex in a r...

I probably should know this but when using the BP rental calculator, can you combine the repairs costs with the required loan amount for one loan?

Newcomer in the investment world, I apologize if this question seems straightforward and may have already been addressed elsewhere in this forum.
I'm currently contemplating the purchase of a newly constructed proper...