Find A Lending Company
The purpose of the BiggerPockets’ company directory is to help our members find real estate investing resources near them.
Members can best use the lending company directory in order to find local lenders that will assist in securing a loan.
Once you have narrowed down a search by location each member can look through the list of results in order to find the best lender for them.
The section on the right hand side of all of the lender listings are displayed to help users qualify a lender.
Here, members will be able to see the number of personal deals entered into their BiggerPockets profile and referrals by other members.
In this section you will also see how active this lender is on the forums through seeing the number of posts and upvotes on those posts within the forums.
The final portion will show you each lender’s specialization which will help you decide if this lender is a good fit for your real estate investing strategy.
Questions To Ask A Lender
Before you apply for a mortgage loan, there are some important questions you will want to ask your lender. These questions will help you feel confident in your decision to apply for a mortgage and the knowledge of your lender. Here are some questions you should ask your lender before applying for a loan:
Which type of loan is best for me?
How much house can I afford?
What would my interest rate be?
Will I have to pay private mortgage insurance?
What are all the costs I am responsible for?
What will my monthly payment be?
What costs am I responsible for at closing?
Are there any other costs or fees I should be aware of?
What else do you expect to need from me?
Do I qualify for any grants or down payment assistance programs?

Having Trouble? Contact Customer Support
If you are experiencing issues with the company directory please don’t hesitate to reach out to BiggerPockets’ customer support.
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