Getting allot of site errors, cant even contact Joshua about them, Had to re join just to reply to posts.
As far as some of the questions
Strip center is 25 years old, I keep everything maintained, I always have people asking if I have space.
My parcel is all flat, anything that isn't building or parking lot I had graded and seeded with grass, it is kept weed free, cut, and its like a park like setting. the 24 acre parcel has hills, and wet areas that DNR wont let be touched.
I don't need to sell, but also know if the corner develops my site is worth much more, so if I hinder it I shoot myself in the foot.
One developer brought up an easement to me for an entrance, his question was would I GRANT him an easement, not sell him one,
that was back when a large food chain wanted the corner, he was going to develop it and then lease it to them( pick n save), not sure if I can name them.
Anyway I got skidish with developers and brokers, they would call and want to meet at the local StarBucks, try and get me to tell them what it would take for me to sell, tell me they were going back to draft up an offer, I would never hear back, one local broker drafted up an offer to purchase, the offer was transferable, it was full of errors the city wasn't right, the county wasn't right, it was just a mess, so much that I began to think the commercial real estate world was full of shysters.
I had a broker list my site for lease a few years back, asked me if I wanted to sell because of the corner being up for sale, I said maybe it all depends, so to make a long story as short as possible, he would tell potential Tennant' that I was thinking of selling, so not to depend on long term leases, then tells me lets just list it for sale, its not leasing out ! I chewed him out after catching him, told him he should go into home sales.
Thanks guys for all the input, They have me to the point where I question my sanity!