Originally posted by @Christopher Fougere:
Do you have children?
I could quit my job I suppose, but I enjoy the mental challenge of being an engineer also, and the large salary that comes with it. I'm going to see my kids thru their undergrads which is another 10 years for us. By then I will definitely be able to retire, but I likely won't. If someone is going to pay me a high salary for my brain and I can still grow my RE business that's a no brainer for me. I'll likely scale back and just consult or something once the kids are thru their undergrads, but I can't imagine leaving the workforce entirely.
Good question. I do, and they are young. I want to spend more time with them during the younger years. I can always work longer hours when they are in college to pay for that with then year dollars. I want take them to school after making them breakfast and be there to pick them up after, attend the school plays, be active in there school as a substitute, know their friends and their friends parents, travel in the summers, etc...
I want to work from home like you do but that isn't possible in my current job. Not at all. I'm still excited to find and solve challenges after I leave my current job, I just don't picture myself working for someone else for much longer. The money from my job has kept me around thus far, but that carrot is losing it's appeal...