Wow I want to first start by saying this website is AWESOME. I learn so much every day! a little about myself, I am 22, and my family has called me crazy for my dream of becoming a Wholesaler, I have just relocated to Fort Wayne, Indiana, after moving from the lovely country of Korea (Military Service) and now I am wanting to start up my investment career. I have been reading and studying this lovely career for about a year now and I am wondering a few things.
Personally, do any of you recommend starting with a mentor? Or just trial and error and jump head first in? I have been trying to find a mentor for about 3 months now and I have had no success. I mean I am a hard worker, great listener, and highly discliplined, I can shadow and I even offered for 70% cut on my end to the mentor when flipping the first few houses. Also, if you live close to my area can you send me a PM so we can talk that would be great. And even if you dont live close it would be nice to connect abroad.
What are some results of your first few months of wholesaling? How hard was it actually? And did you have a mentor?
Any replys would be great thank you
God bless America