I hear ya Steve. I have asked myself the same question many times. I think inflation is in the cards and before Bryan gets all bent out of shape ;) we don't need no stinking hyperinflation to ruin our day. Just 4% a year for 10 years is enough to steal half of your wealth.
I recommend getting out of government sponsored retirement accounts (401k, Roth, IRA). When the SHTF the government can and will change the rules mid game. I wouldn't be surprised to see a patriotic new law that states one half of all assets in these plans must be in treasury bonds and no you cannot take your money out anymore as we've change that rule too. I like my wealth parked where I have control over it.
I like hard assets such a real estate and gold (5% to 10% of net worth). Particularly income producing assets. They should keep pace with inflation although may under perform if interest rates go higher (depress house prices). The stock market may go up in nominal terms but in real terms will probably continue going sideways. Having leveraged incoming producing assets is a good play as inflation effectively pays your mortgage for you. You are paying it down with dollars that are worth less and less.
Good luck!