@Guy Gimenez
Thanks. That's what I figured but after finding the "FAQ" on "how to find mentors" in the FAQ area (yea, I missed that before I posted this), it made a very good point:
Asking someone to mentor you is like asking them for cash with no strings. They are spending their time that they could be making money helping you make money, and then, to add to it, you'll learn what they do, where they do it, how they do it, ETC. They are training their competition.
I think one thing the posts pointed out was to offer them something in return (which I thought was a given), but I had to start thinking what could I offer that would be valuable enough to them.
A question for anyone here, what would you want in return to mentor someone? A helper to find deals? Every other deal is split between you and the person your mentoring? Work on both of them together (granted, making the trainee do more of their work to give them experience)? Work on a commission, hourly rate, % of the profit on a sale? Or maybe a barter system where they can offer other services, like helping the rehab process with their skills, or doing other business tasks not directly related to the process of REI but the back end work that secretaries, office personnel, ETC would do.
I'm just thinking off the top of my head but finding someone who will teach the business legally, morally, and ethically is important. That's a pitfall I really want to avoid.