Hi Nick,
The others are right, this repsonse sounds fine, even pretty good. For comparison, here are my numbers from postcards sent last month to targeted and filtered absentee owners in the Sacramento market:
Postcards sent: 3713
Total calls: 23
Leads (defined as anyone with a house they want to sell): 20
Lead rate: 0.54%
Cost/lead: $72.40
Now, most of those leads aren't much good. Most of them have no motivation, but several do, and 1 or 2 of them have descent potential to turn into a deal.
So your response rate is pretty good, but I'm going to challenge you a little bit when you say that none of the 40 callers were motivated. Are you certain they weren't motivated, or is it possible that you missed some of the signs? This is really critical, because you could pass up most motivated sellers if you take them at their word.
How quickly you discount a lead as unmotivated can be a huge factor in your success. It would be entirely possible to miss the subtle signs of motivation and never do a deal, if you are expecting it to be obvious. It's possible to get 40 calls without a single motivated seller, but that seems a little unusual to me.
In my admitedly limited experience (I've done 2 wholesale deals), motivation isn't always obvious when you first hear it. Even motivated sellers won't usually sound extremely eager, since they are smart enough to know they should hold back. You kind of have to infer, by asking the right questions, that they have a reason to sell. Any reason is a good sign of motivation. I guess what I'm saying is that you might need to move forward on some of these leads, and press for an appointment (and chance to build more rapport) after getting even the faintest whiff of motivation. For example, even a motivated seller is likely to tell you they "aren't in a hurry", "don't really need to sell", or "only want to know what you might offer", etc, but if they also tell you "it needs a lot of work", that's an indicator to me that I want to get out there and see the property, and we have a good chance of doing the deal.
Send me a PM and I will send you a recording of my first conversation with a caller I eventually did a deal with. He doesn't sound that motivated, but the signs are there. It would have been very easy to decide he "wasn't motivated", but I went ahead and met him, and he became my second wholesale deal.