@Virginia Jones,
@Jim Goebel makes good points to consider in weighing your decision. @Scott Jensen is right about the value/loan proposition, you will have to hunt around to find someone to pull equity out and when you find them bumping down the LTV number might be hard as you hit their lower limit. You also need to consider what that does to your cash flow on the property, you don't want it too tight if you are trying to avoid coming out of pocket.
However you have your emergency fund running you don't want any of the scenarios to bring that number down below your tolerance level. As long as that it is satisfied you should be pretty flexible. You said you could save 4k monthly which is half your need, does that mean your disposable amount is 2k? Either way that is a nice chunk and you could focus on the LOC and move that down pretty quick without adding risk anywhere else, except possible opportunity cost if another investment popped up during that period. You could balance between and stash half the monthly surplus in an opportunity/acquisition fund and the other half at the LOC debt, or any number of other things.
If you used the brokerage account would you build it back up? If so I don't think I would bother, I might consider that if I was unsatisfied with them and planned on closing it out permanently thought.
Whatever you do make sure you consider the impact/risk any option will have on the various areas and don't go outside your financial comfort zone, stay as conservative as you need.