Hi, my hat is also off to you. This is such a needed thing, as it gives people with disability, especially if they are elder, a way to age in place. It sure beats institutional care.
My dream has been to do this for a long time, which is why I am offering some advice. All my funds were drained in hopes of the same thing you want to do, as after I found the perfect home to care for elders, it turned out the neighborhood was against me. When I showed up at the Board of Zoning for my variance to do this, about 50 people from the neighborhood showed up against me. My variance was denied. Therefore I sued the Board of Zoning, and during the time of my law suit, the neighborhood sued me. I won both cases so to speak. Long story.
Anyway, there are some wonderful links on the Internet. Links that give each state, city and county the guidelines. Most places (some called Residential Assisted Living, care homes for the elderly, etc.) are usually licensed by the State. In Alabama, the rules are many, which is why it took me four months to find pretty much the perfect home. Guidelines of the size of doors, room space, fire safety, records that have to be kept, policies and procedures, Residential agreements, and the list can go on and on.
It can be such a rewarding thing to do, and even though I have almost given up hope at time, as all my funds were lost after waiting almost 1 1/2 years for the cases to be settled. I am still trying. Which is what brought me to this site.
Good luck, and if you need any help or advice on things I can help with, I will.