@Stephen S. - good point about managing the order in which Subs perform work.
My experience is that the Subs interests aren't aligned with my goals or the overall project. Their interest is to get in, make some money and get out as quick as possible.
Since the nature of what we do as rehabbers is to keep the costs of our projects as low as possible, we really don't leave a lot of 'meat on the bone' (profit) for them.
I've found that the best way to control their workflow (order things gets done) so that it's aligned with mine is to manage the flow of materials to the job site.
When I have lumber, doors, windows, drywall, roofing, siding, trim, flooring etc all onsite then the Subs pick and choose the jobs that they want to do regardless of what I want BUT when I roll the materials in just before they need them then the Subs have no choice but to focus on the things that I want done in the order that I want them done.
Managing the materials flow takes some skill but our projects always are done on time this way.
This is also part of the reason that I don't let the Subs buy my materials (there are other reasons as well).