Originally posted by Manny Cirino:
I have been looking it the protest going on around the U.S. and it sparked a couple questions in my head. My cousin who is in NYC tells me it is more serious than what is shown on T.V. I have seen videos show how celebrities are not even being welcomed do the wealth status.
My question is how serious can this get, will this escalate? Is wall streets influence in politics over stepping constitutional boundaries? What would it take to push citizens over the edge? Do modern day Americans possess what it takes to stand up to government? is America on its way to being one of the great civilization to collapse like Rome, Egypt, and several Chinese dynasties.
What do you think? or is it all irrelevant.
Sometimes I wonder about my generation. Loitering on the sidewalk really isn't going to do much of anything, honestly in all reality. I'm glad you at least realize that if this is to have even the slightest bit of influence. Were going to have to ‘stand up' to the government, but let’s be honest how many of us are really willing to do that? Everything was all fine and dandy when we were ‘promised’ jobs lol. Now that our sense of entitlement and excess is being threatened people have a problem? Lets be serious here for a minute. If a cat postures at a lion is it anything but cute? The whole of the government both democratic and republican are being courted by the actual shot callers in our CAPIALIST society the corporations.
People are calling for change but what their really asking for is fair, and there’s no such thing as ‘fair’ in capitalist society, but the often over looked and most important factor is most everyone has a ‘fair’ chance. Don’t like it? Then move somewhere socialist and become a monk. Otherwise get off the f*cking sidewalk act like a real American and participate in the real life version of monopoly that is American capitalism. The people who are the ‘targets’ of everyone’s outrage are eating this up, and most likely allowing and encouraging this, because it takes peoples attention away from the one thing that actually matters in a capitalist society. The one thing that gives you a voice, GREEN. While your distracted by Kim Kardashian, The Jersey Shore, and Occupy Wall Street. Their busy increasing the gap between them, and you and that’s more than ‘fair’, that’s capitalist…..Go figure isn’t that what we all signed up for?
It amazes me that these are the kids with degrees (not that a degrees mean much nowadays) but still how about getting together and instead of pointing the finger. How about starting our own corporations and business so we can really make a change or better yet be up on that balcony ourselves. *drops mic*