Is this credit place charging you any fees for their service? I would verify that they are a legal operation because it does not sound like they are doing anything to help and may well be doing you harm.
This type of arrangement is usually to take your payments, negotiate with your creditors for a settlement amount which is lower than the actual balance, and only pay them when they agree to the settlement.
Even then it will hurt your credit and you will be liable for taxes on the difference between the original balance (growing due to late fees etc) and the final settlement amount, the IRS will see it as "income".
It is almost always better to stay in civil communication with your creditors and work out a payment plan with them, keeping detailed records of all communications. You may be able to get out with a clean credit record this way.
If you find that this "service" is not legitimate, you may find that you can report them and also restart a conversation with your creditors, explaining that you were sold a service that was misrepresented and you would like to work something out that is mutually beneficial....