To clarify it wasn't the 11 months that allowed the market to appreciate, I feel we could have sold for about the same had it taken 1 month. I guess what I mean is the marker was very hot and it was a great neighborhood with very little inventory at the time it sold so it sold fast and for full asking , which was about $20k more than I expected when we bought. I was also being conservative when we bought. I don't know that we could have gotten it cheaper, my market is competitive, and it was a good deal that could have been great. I think we did well on the buy side. I know for sure the issue was in the construction. I struggle to articulate to my partner that this one man band handyman is holding us back. I totally understand the value in paying a little more but finishing on time and on budget. I'm happy to say we will be using a different method moving forward. Thank for the responses, I love getting the different points of view. Lastly, it wasn't our first project, but it was one of our first, and to be honest a $20k profit isn't too bad given the circumstances and experience gained. I should also mention as the agent I earned a small commission on each side so the true profit was more like $26k.