Wes Brand If that were the case we would all list our homes for a bagillion dollars and we'd all be bagillionaires. Your market must be completely different than mine. More time on market does not equal more money, it always means less. Days on market is a sellers worst enemy. If it doesn't sell in 2 weeks or less buyers assume, or in most cases KNOW it's not worth that price. The easiest way to get top dollar for a home is to under price it and create a bidding war. Also, if a home doesn't appraise, iv never seen a buyer bring more money for the table, ever, in hundreds of deals, in the 8 years I've been selling homes. The seller comes down, that's just the way it else. Especially in a price range like $250k where it's primarily 1st time buyers who are already bringing very little cash to the table, and FHA appraisals stick to the property for 6 months. Lastly, and not to disagree, but maybe clarify....I was being conservative on the ARV. That in my opinion is the right way to run the numbers. I had originally thought 225k, meaning I knew I could sell it in a day at that price. After all, what sense does it make to pay more for contractors to finish it faster only to sit and wait on the market 2 months for a buyer? That's after All what this thread was about, reducing the amount of time from purchase to sale. When it came time to sell, 9 months later the market could support $240k. There were better comps, the Market improved a little, and we added square footage. My partner convinced me to "try" $250k so did and it sold. I'd rather be wrong about the ARV on the low side rather than the other direction any day of the week.
Not to beat a dead horse here but I was trying to learn from my mistakes. We are arguing a moot point. I cannot change the market, so what the home sells for is completely out of my control once I put a sign in the yard. The market will decide what it's worth no matter the list price. However I can change the sales price throughout the process by finding better labor, finish faster, cut costs, find better deals, etc.