@Mandi Martinez according to my bad math, he is about 4 weeks past the due date?? In my experience, I’d consider that to be a little, compared to A LOT past due. Now don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying this is OK, or should be the situation you are in, but I have had at least 3 projects take 6 months rather than the 3 that was estimated. Projects typically take longer than expected, for countless reasons. The was we avoided going over on time frames was finding a contractor that was not only good at estimating costs, but also timelines. It al comes down to experience.
Others have mentioned that a more detailed description of the “plumbing issues” as well as why you need a new electrical box should help to bring some truth and clarity to the situation. It is not uncommon to open up walls and floors to find plumbing issues that need to be taken care of that could not be seen before they started. Needed a new box all of the sudden seems VERY odd to me. The electrical box should be one of the first places a contractor looks. After all he’s going to need electricity to work, so there is that. But also with most renovations, new kitchens mean more amps needed, which means bigger boxes. So until we have more detail about the exact reasons you need these items, everyone is simply guessing what the real reason might be. I hope for your sake that he is just running into issues as they peel back the onion, rather than simply being an inexperienced contractor flying by the seat of his pants and figuring things out as he goes. Iv certainly been a victim of the latter early in my flipping days. Those cheap cheap Reno prices were good to resist, but in the end they were also too good to be true...
So with all that said, delays are to be expected, I wouldn’t let that cause any panic attacks. Get some concrete details from the contractor and report back. Don’t let him be vague. Why do I need a new panel? Why are we finding out now, isn’t that something we could have planned for from start? Do I have options other than replacing the panel, like a sub panel?