@Daniel Pitner 5 offers a week is quite ambitious. I’m curious to know how you are coming up with so many houses you would actually purchase in what I hope is a narrow geographical market. How are you even coming up with reasonable offers? Are you walking inside them? Or are you just kind of throwing offers at the wall and seeing what sticks. It’s not a bad strategy, I’m just trying to understand where you are coming from with the offer amounts.
As long as sellers have enough equity to close the deal, what does it matter how much they have? Also, you can simply ask them what they owe and find out that way. I just don’t want the misconception to be the more equity a seller has, the more willing they are to accept an absurd lowball offer.
Yes it’s unkosher to cut out agents. Not need to go any further there.
Why is there tension? Investors solves problems. Distressed sellers are looking for ways to sell their home without listing with an agent. Sellers LOVE offers. Maybe tension isn’t he the right word. They should be at least willing to talk about where your offer might land short, I just don’t know where you are running into confrontation.
To cut any tension between a seller is going to require building some rapport. Impossible to do this with 5 sellers a week every week. Or maybe by giving them examples and reasons why you arrived at this absurdly low amount for their Home. A place where they have lived their whole lives, raised their children, so on and so fort.
Sure you can market for a home to live in. I’m sure there are a plethora of examples of agents and investors coming across a home they end up buying to live in, while they were marketing for their business. Retail buyers do it as well to try to cut out agents and “save money”. Or if they want to live in a particular neighborhood they will write letters to only those houses until they find one ready to sell. Very common.