@Joe Gee I'm really not anti wholesale. I'm against shady wholesalers who lie and deceive buyers and sellers and I'm not saying that is you at all.
What I'm stating regarding your original post is that you didn't provide a service to the seller in that you didn't bring a buyer, and you didn't provide the buyer with a service in that you didn't bring them a house they could buy. That is without going through a mortgage, and they couldn't do that through you. So it's difficult to side with your frustration when you weren't really helping either party. I'm not saying that because you're a wholesaler, I'm saying that in business you have to provide something to make money.
You seemed fine with dropping your contract with the seller, so why are you upset he then sold the property?? Because that's what this is really coming down to. If he sold it to someone else would you be just as mad? Either way you didn't make any money.